Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Programme
(Under CBCS Semester System)
Code | Subject | Credit | Marks |
501 | Organizational Behavior | 4 | 100 |
502 | Financial Markets and Institutions | 4 | 100 |
503 | Advertisement and Sales Promotion | 4 | 100 |
504 | Management Information System and DSS(including practical) | 4 | 100 |
505 | Indian Society and Culture | 2 | 50 |
Unit- I
Definition, goals, scope and historical development of organizational behavior, contributing disciplines to OB, models, social systems and organizational culture. International dimensions of OB. Limitations and future of OB.Unit- II
Individual Behavior:
Introduction and foundation. Personality -definitions, determinants, personality traits and types, theories, instruments to measure personality, personality attributes influencing OB.Perception:
Meaning, factors influencing perception, theories, perceptual errors.Emotions:
Meaning, types of emotions, determinants, emotional intelligence.Unit- III
Definition, sources of attitudes, types of attitudes, cognitive dissonance theory; four concepts to skills, changing attitudes, and work related attitudes.Values: concept, importance of values, sources of value system, types, loyalty and ethical behavior.
Concept, theories of learning, application of learning in organization.Motivation:
concept, importance, theories and their applicability.Unit- IV
Behavior in organization:
Introduction, issues between organizations and individuals. Inter personal behavior; conflict, nature of conflict, levels of conflict, types and conflict management styles.Communication:
Introduction, importance, process of communication, types, barriers in
Introduction, importance, process of communication, types, barriers in
communication, Communication and organizational effectiveness.
Unit- V
Group dynamics: Concept, types of groups and functions, meetings, team work, stages of group formation and its relevance to organization.Employee stress:
forms, causes, implications and approaches to stress management.Leadership:,
Concept, approaches, Leading v/s Managing Leadership theories and its implications.References :
1. Stephen.P.Robbins, - Organizational Behavior, Pearson Publication2. Steven L., McShane, - Organizational Behavior, TMH.
3. Fred Luthans - Organization Behavior, McGraw Hill.
4. K.Awsathappa - Organisation Behavior.
Financial Markets:
Financial System and Financial Markets- Meaning, Types, Classification of Financial Markets, Money Market, Call money Market, Govt. Securities Market. Capital Market, Debt Market, Primary and Secondary Market, Interlinking Financial Market-Indian and Global Financial Markets.Unit-II
Financial Institutions:
Broad Categories- Special Characteristics, Money Market Institutions, Capital Market Institutions, Financial Services Institutions, Functions and structure introduced, Stock Exchanges: Constitution, control, functions, Prudential Norms, SEBI Regulations, Sensitive Indices, Investor Services, Grievance Redressal Measures.Unit-III
Financial Services Institutions:
Clearing Corporation of India Ltd, Discount and Finance House of India Ltd, National Securities Depository Ltd, Securities Trading Corporation of India Ltd. Credit Rating Institutions.Unit-IV
Financial Instruments:
Commercial Papers, Certificate of Deposits, Treasury Bills, Commercial Bills, Gilt- edged Securities, Equity Shares, Dematerialisation, Preference Shares, Debentures, Warrants and Convertibles, ADRs and GDRs, Derivatives- Options and Futures,Unit-V
Indian Financial Institutions:
Commercial Banks- Roles, Functions, Regulations, Public Sector, Private Sector and Foreign Banks, Development Banks: IFCI, IDBI, SFCs, NABARD, RRBs, SIDBI, IIBI, Non-Banking Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies- Public and Private, Invesment Policy, Regulatory AuthorityMReferences:
1. S Gurusamy, Financial Markets and Institutions, Thomson2. Gordon & Natrajan; Financial Markets and Services, Himalaya Publishing House
Definition, objectives, Functions and classification of advertising, Advertising Agency Functions & structure of modern agency, functions of the advertising department and advertising manager. Client – Agency Relationship (CAR), Selection of agency.Unit-II:
Advertising as Mass communication: the communication mix, building of advertising program: Creative strategy-Copy, message, advertising appeals, AIDA concept Creation and production in advertising: TV commercials, Radio Jingles, Print ads.Unit – III:
Advertising media, General and special characteristics of different media: Media planning, scheduling, selection and evaluation, Measuring advertising effectiveness (DAGMAR): The rationale of testing: pretesting, concurrent testing & post testing, recall and recognition.Unit – IV:
Advertising Budget: Approach and procedures for determining the size of the budget, Administration and control of budget. Regulation of Advertising: Self Regulation by advertising Media (ASCI), Ethics & Social Responsibility in Advertising, E-advertising.Unit – V:
Introduction: Definition, objectives, Functions and classification of sales promotion. Consumer Promotion, sales force p[lanning and execution, Recent Trends, Elementary knowledge of public relations.References:
1. Kazmi & Batra, - Advertising and Sales Promotion, Excel Books2. Batra, Myers & Aaker, - Advertising Management, Pearson education/PHI
3. Jethawaney & Jain, Advertising Management, Oxford University Press.
Unit- I
Organization and Information systems, Changing Environment and its impact on Business - the IT/IS and its influence - The Organization: Structure, Managers and activities - Data, Information and its attributes - The level of people and their information needs - Types of Decisions and information - Information system, categorization of information on the basis of nature and characteristics. Transaction Processing System (TPS) - Office Automation system (OAS) - Management Information (MIS) - Decision Support System (DSS) and Group Decision Support System (GDSS) - Expert System (ES) - Executive Support System (EIS or ESS).Unit-II
System Analysis, Development and Models: Need for system analysis - Stages in system Analysis - Structured SAD and tools like DFD, Context Diagram Decision Table and Structured Diagram, system Development Models: Water Flow, Prototype, Spiral, RAD - roles and Responsibilities of System.Unit-III
Computer Service Systems: Data Communication and Networking - LAN, MAN & WAN - Network Topologies, Internet, Intranet and Extranet, Information systems for: Accounting, Finance, Production and Manufacturing, Marketing and HRM.Unit- IV
Design of Information System: Fundamental Concept of file design, database design, input output design, procedure design, form design, dialogue design, code design, coupling and cohesion.Unit- V
Internet- A Conceptual Approach: Web Browsing - Concept of FTP, Telnet, uploading, downloading , HTTP; Internet Explorer; Electronic Data Security; Access Database System.References :
1. G.V.Sathya Sekhar - MIS, Excell Books.2. David Obeson - MIS, TMH.
3. Muyrdick and Ross - Information system for Modern Management.
4. Kenneth J Laudon - Management Information Systems - Pearson/PHI, 10/e, 2007.
5. W.S.Jawadekar - MIS, TMH, 3/e, 2004.
6. Ralph Stair – MIS
Demographic Profile: Characteristics of Indian population, Population Growth, Age, Sex, Religion, Language, Occupation, National Policy on Population.Unit - II
Indian Society: Society and its types, Features of Tribal Society, Agrarian Society, Industrial Society.
Unit- III
Social Stratification: Caste System, Class System, Communities, Ethnic Groups, Weaker Sections and Minorities, Constitutional Provisions for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes.
Unit- IV
Socio-Economic Problems: Poverty, Illiteracy, Unemployment, Hosing, Child Labor, Migration, Occupational Diseases, Insurgency, Terrorism, Crime, Project Affected People, social Destitute, Beggary, Aged Population, Juvenile Delinquency, Problems in Family Life.Unit- V
Indian culture: Culture - Features, Characteristics and Diversity. Differences with Western culture, Human Values, Values in Work Life, Value Crisis in contemporary Indian Society.References:
1. Andre Beteille - Society and Politics in India, OUP.2. Dipankar Gupta - Social Stratification, OUP.
3. Ram Ahuja - Social Problems in India, Rawat Publications.
4. M.N.Srinivas - Social Structure and Caste and Other Essays, OUP.
5. A.N.Tripathi - Human Values, New Age International.
6. NCERT - Text Book on Indian Society.
7. R.Thapar (Ed.) - Tribe, Caste and Religion in India, Macmillan
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