
Saturday, November 10, 2018


Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Programme

(Under CBCS Semester System)

Code Subject Credit Marks
501 Organizational Behavior 4 100
502 Financial Markets and Institutions 4 100
503 Advertisement and Sales Promotion 4 100
504 Management Information System and DSS(including practical) 4 100
505 Indian Society and Culture 2 50


Unit- I


Definition, goals, scope and historical development of organizational behavior, contributing disciplines to OB, models, social systems and organizational culture. International dimensions of OB. Limitations and future of OB.

Unit- II

Individual Behavior:

Introduction and foundation. Personality -definitions, determinants, personality traits and types, theories, instruments to measure personality, personality attributes influencing OB.


Meaning, factors influencing perception, theories, perceptual errors.


Meaning, types of emotions, determinants, emotional intelligence.

Unit- III


Definition, sources of attitudes, types of attitudes, cognitive dissonance theory; four concepts to skills, changing attitudes, and work related attitudes.
Values: concept, importance of values, sources of value system, types, loyalty and ethical behavior.


Concept, theories of learning, application of learning in organization.


concept, importance, theories and their applicability.

Unit- IV

Behavior in organization:

Introduction, issues between organizations and individuals. Inter personal behavior; conflict, nature of conflict, levels of conflict, types and conflict management styles.


Introduction, importance, process of communication, types, barriers in

Introduction, importance, process of communication, types, barriers in communication, Communication and organizational effectiveness.

Unit- V

Group dynamics: Concept, types of groups and functions, meetings, team work, stages of group formation and its relevance to organization.

Employee stress:

forms, causes, implications and approaches to stress management.


Concept, approaches, Leading v/s Managing Leadership theories and its implications.

References :

1. Stephen.P.Robbins, - Organizational Behavior, Pearson Publication
2. Steven L., McShane, - Organizational Behavior, TMH.
3. Fred Luthans - Organization Behavior, McGraw Hill.
4. K.Awsathappa - Organisation Behavior.



Financial Markets:

Financial System and Financial Markets- Meaning, Types, Classification of Financial Markets, Money Market, Call money Market, Govt. Securities Market. Capital Market, Debt Market, Primary and Secondary Market, Interlinking Financial Market-Indian and Global Financial Markets.


Financial Institutions:

Broad Categories- Special Characteristics, Money Market Institutions, Capital Market Institutions, Financial Services Institutions, Functions and structure introduced, Stock Exchanges: Constitution, control, functions, Prudential Norms, SEBI Regulations, Sensitive Indices, Investor Services, Grievance Redressal Measures.


Financial Services Institutions:

Clearing Corporation of India Ltd, Discount and Finance House of India Ltd, National Securities Depository Ltd, Securities Trading Corporation of India Ltd. Credit Rating Institutions.


Financial Instruments:

Commercial Papers, Certificate of Deposits, Treasury Bills, Commercial Bills, Gilt- edged Securities, Equity Shares, Dematerialisation, Preference Shares, Debentures, Warrants and Convertibles, ADRs and GDRs, Derivatives- Options and Futures,


Indian Financial Institutions:

Commercial Banks- Roles, Functions, Regulations, Public Sector, Private Sector and Foreign Banks, Development Banks: IFCI, IDBI, SFCs, NABARD, RRBs, SIDBI, IIBI, Non-Banking Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies- Public and Private, Invesment Policy, Regulatory AuthorityM


1. S Gurusamy, Financial Markets and Institutions, Thomson
2. Gordon & Natrajan; Financial Markets and Services, Himalaya Publishing House




Definition, objectives, Functions and classification of advertising, Advertising Agency Functions & structure of modern agency, functions of the advertising department and advertising manager. Client – Agency Relationship (CAR), Selection of agency.


Advertising as Mass communication: the communication mix, building of advertising program: Creative strategy-Copy, message, advertising appeals, AIDA concept Creation and production in advertising: TV commercials, Radio Jingles, Print ads.

Unit – III:

Advertising media, General and special characteristics of different media: Media planning, scheduling, selection and evaluation, Measuring advertising effectiveness (DAGMAR): The rationale of testing: pretesting, concurrent testing & post testing, recall and recognition.

Unit – IV:

Advertising Budget: Approach and procedures for determining the size of the budget, Administration and control of budget. Regulation of Advertising: Self Regulation by advertising Media (ASCI), Ethics & Social Responsibility in Advertising, E-advertising.

Unit – V:

Introduction: Definition, objectives, Functions and classification of sales promotion. Consumer Promotion, sales force p[lanning and execution, Recent Trends, Elementary knowledge of public relations.


1. Kazmi & Batra, - Advertising and Sales Promotion, Excel Books
2. Batra, Myers & Aaker, - Advertising Management, Pearson education/PHI
3. Jethawaney & Jain, Advertising Management, Oxford University Press.


Unit- I


Organization and Information systems, Changing Environment and its impact on Business - the IT/IS and its influence - The Organization: Structure, Managers and activities - Data, Information and its attributes - The level of people and their information needs - Types of Decisions and information - Information system, categorization of information on the basis of nature and characteristics. Transaction Processing System (TPS) - Office Automation system (OAS) - Management Information (MIS) - Decision Support System (DSS) and Group Decision Support System (GDSS) - Expert System (ES) - Executive Support System (EIS or ESS).


System Analysis, Development and Models: Need for system analysis - Stages in system Analysis - Structured SAD and tools like DFD, Context Diagram Decision Table and Structured Diagram, system Development Models: Water Flow, Prototype, Spiral, RAD - roles and Responsibilities of System.


Computer Service Systems: Data Communication and Networking - LAN, MAN & WAN - Network Topologies, Internet, Intranet and Extranet, Information systems for: Accounting, Finance, Production and Manufacturing, Marketing and HRM.

Unit- IV

Design of Information System: Fundamental Concept of file design, database design, input output design, procedure design, form design, dialogue design, code design, coupling and cohesion.

Unit- V

Internet- A Conceptual Approach: Web Browsing - Concept of FTP, Telnet, uploading, downloading , HTTP; Internet Explorer; Electronic Data Security; Access Database System.

References :

1. G.V.Sathya Sekhar - MIS, Excell Books.
2. David Obeson - MIS, TMH.
3. Muyrdick and Ross - Information system for Modern Management.
4. Kenneth J Laudon - Management Information Systems - Pearson/PHI, 10/e, 2007.
5. W.S.Jawadekar - MIS, TMH, 3/e, 2004.
6. Ralph Stair – MIS



Demographic Profile: Characteristics of Indian population, Population Growth, Age, Sex, Religion, Language, Occupation, National Policy on Population.
Unit - II
Indian Society: Society and its types, Features of Tribal Society, Agrarian Society, Industrial Society.
Unit- III
Social Stratification: Caste System, Class System, Communities, Ethnic Groups, Weaker Sections and Minorities, Constitutional Provisions for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes.

Unit- IV

Socio-Economic Problems: Poverty, Illiteracy, Unemployment, Hosing, Child Labor, Migration, Occupational Diseases, Insurgency, Terrorism, Crime, Project Affected People, social Destitute, Beggary, Aged Population, Juvenile Delinquency, Problems in Family Life.

Unit- V

Indian culture: Culture - Features, Characteristics and Diversity. Differences with Western culture, Human Values, Values in Work Life, Value Crisis in contemporary Indian Society.


1. Andre Beteille - Society and Politics in India, OUP.
2. Dipankar Gupta - Social Stratification, OUP.
3. Ram Ahuja - Social Problems in India, Rawat Publications.
4. M.N.Srinivas - Social Structure and Caste and Other Essays, OUP.
5. A.N.Tripathi - Human Values, New Age International.
6. NCERT - Text Book on Indian Society.
7. R.Thapar (Ed.) - Tribe, Caste and Religion in India, Macmillan

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